
Update on Moon's Kiss Draft one completed! Yay... Now begins editing and

Draft one completed! Yay... Now begins editing and redrafting, I've also decided to start working on a street team, That's new I've never had one for any of my previous books. Like I said when you self-publish it's a process of learning trying everything keeping what works fine tuning that to make it work better. Draft one consists of the story, there's no spice there's no major descriptions of any adventure scenes or fights. Draft two I will add those, so you're wondering what I do between...

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The joys of story creation Okay, it's Sunday. I'm off today and tomorrow

Okay, it's Sunday. I'm off today and tomorrow from my day job at the hair salon, so what works for me while producing a story is type for an hour, do my day-to-day cleaning laundry stuff like that for a half hour. A little backstory I am the firstborn in a family that was dirt poor, to save my father was a tyrant is putting it gently. As the eldest I had to do a lot of extra by that I mean at 9 years old, for my birthday,I learned how to make my parents coffee. I am not by any means bringing...

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Yes I am in my car. I just did a letter to my I tell people he's adopted

I just did a letter to my I tell people he's adopted but he feels like one of my own. I did it on sandbox, he has joined the military army in fact. His two older brothers by marriage are Marines. Now, I come from by blood and marriage previous marriage, military family. My former brother-in-law was in the army for a very long time and I don't know if they had sandbox available when he was in the army was like 20 years ago but oh my goodness this is an amazing app. I can buy letters, talk to...

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